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Tricks With a Twist

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


We have taken the conventional trick and put a spin on them – imagine if you could have fun teaching your dog tricks but, have the extra bonus of making them more comfortable with more difficult tasks such as grooming, walking and even vet exams! What will your dog learn? - Touch/Hand Target - Paw - Catch - Bow - Paws Up/Stick ‘em Up - Bang/Play Dead Each video will discuss the steps in detail, including what adjustments you can make if your dog struggles. You will also receive a print out of the steps of each video so that you can always have them to hand. The course also discusses markers, timing, equipment and suitable reinforcers. All dogs in this course were trained in real time so you can see the adjustments that were made, including any mistakes we made! This video is great for people who have a new puppy and want to engage their brain through training, owners of nervous dogs or rescues who want to build a stronger, force free, relationship or those who would like to learn a bit more about precise timing, back chaining and the benefits of positive reinforcement.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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